Morimda Tassembedo - Register of Artists' Models
RAM The Register of Artists Models

Morimda Tassembedo

Artists and models have responded magnificently to the covid crisis, with creative measures ranging from Zoom and Skype sessions to outdoor sessions to smaller, safer classes.
Artists, to help models see what is out there, please put ads up on the RAM site (it's free!).
Be kind, stay safe.

Morimda's big plan - can you help?

Morimda Tassembedo has been a member of RAM for six years. She is working on an ambitious plan to promote the cause of her fellow models and life art in general.

Morimda is energetically promoting an ambitious proposal, possibly involving an annexe of the Millennium Dome, for a large-scale 2-day showcase of the skills of the artists' model.

  "After working for six years as a model"  she says, " I've observed how a person who takes up life drawing can learn the basic skills of observation and drawing and derive great satisfaction from it".

Her vision has provisionally been called Art Studios 2002 and will consist of what she calls a 'living gallery' with many costume life drawing and painting classes all under the same roof for two days. She says the project will not only encourage young people to start life drawing but will also provide an opportunity of networking with tutors, artists and models.

Morimda is hoping to enlist the services of a very large number of models. Mindful of the fact that having them pose nude would have at least two undesirable consequences, one being that hundreds of male and hardly any female volunteers would rush forward, the other being that the media would be totally distracted in the usual puerile way from the real purpose of the project, Morimda has decided that all events will be clothed. Performance art will probably play a part.

Preliminary calculations by Bare Facts show that a very substantial budget would be required. Morimda is expecting to raise the money from sponsors who will be allotted advertising space and from stands and an art shop within the show.

Several years on, this project hasn't come to anything, as far as we know, and we have lost touch with Morimda.

RAM Register of Artist's Models

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