This is an annually revised document first published in
1997. Most of the items contained
within it have been discussed at a series of 32 meetings (the 'Get-togethers'),
the first of which was held in December 1996. Originally, the results of votes
taken at these meetings determined the exact content of the Guidelines. However,
we do not have formal get-togethers these days, but members' views are always
listened to and taken into account.
We believe that it would not be a good idea to re-write the whole
of the Guidelines systematically in a relatively short period of time, therefore
the Guidelines will strongly reflect the legacy of the Get-togethers for a
while, including one or two contentious pronouncements with which the proprietors
do not necessarily agree.
The copyright of the RAM Guidelines is owned by the Register of Artists' Models.
You may not reproduce the document or any part of it unless you make it clear
that it is produced by the Register of Artists' Models.